Gramshree builds the capacity of tribal women, through collectivizing them into Producer Groups which is further federated into Farmers Producer Company. The idea is to build a self-reliance community institution, which can take forward the activities at the community level upon withdrawal of Gramshree from the geography.
Based on the assessment of resources at the community level and their skill set, Gramshree works on livelihood interventions with focus on increasing the income of the individual families. Currently, Gramshree is working on subsistence agriculture with a focus on increasing the productivity of existing crops like maize, wheat, paddy, mustard, pulses, and gram. One of the other focus are as is commercial vegetable cultivation ensuring additional income in the range of Rs 25,000 to Rs 50,000 annually.
Gramshree also links these farmers directly to the market. We work on the establishment of mini-processing units at villages working on value addition for Custard Apple, Jamun, Amla, Mango, and Tamarind. Gramshree has been able to build the linkages on the mentioned products successfully.
Integrated Livelihood
Market-led value chain
Sustainable Community Institution
Transfer of skills & Technology
Gramshree believes in Gandhi's model of rural development of Gram Swaraj (village self-rule). Rural India is found not in its cities, but in its villages. The revival of villages is possible only when the villagers are exploited no more, dignity of labor is ensured and agro and non-farm-based industry in villages are promoted ensuring no one is forced to migrate.
Gramshree aspires to create an environment of building strong Community Institutions, ensuring the village self-rule. We work on 4 steps strategy of:
We aspire to impact the lives of 1 million tribal families and promote 100 women led self-sustainable community institutions, achieving the Gandhi's philosophy of self-ruled "Gram Swaraj".